Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We are a team of five students at Connolly Middle School called The Recyclers that are among the 48 schools nationwide that have qualified to participate in the Final Challenge of the Lexus Eco Challenge, a national contest that encourages middle and high school students to develop and implement environmental programs that positively impact their communities. Our team was awarded $10,000 for our entry in the Land Challenge earlier this academic year, and now, as a participant in the Final Challenge, we’ve been asked to take our environmental message to as wide an audience as possible.

Our message:

One hundred billion bags of plastic are used annually every year in the United States alone, according to the Wall Street Journal. These bags cause many problems. Landfills around the world are being filled up with this product. They are a huge source of litter, getting caught in trees and fences. Plastic bags are made from petroleum, which is a nonrenewable resource that causes pollution in the production process. Also, plastic bags don't break down well. They are harmful to many animals that become entangled in them or mistake them for food. Dozens of young children also die of suffocation from plastic bags every year. Do we really want to keep using one hundred billion bags each year because they are momentarily convenient?


  1. No! Plastic bags are convenient but definitely not worth all those problems!!!

  2. hey guys good luck on the challange hope you win

    - Daija D.

  3. hey people I hope you win the final challenge!

    -Allison V.


    D. Thorne
    p.s. good luck changing the world!

  5. I always use reusable bags here in china, because it's a lot easier and they hold up way better then the crappy plastic ones.

  6. I think what you are doing is great. you are inspiring many other young people to care about the world and their environment.

  7. Good luck with your recycling keep up the good luck!!

  8. Can you tell me where to find that original article from the Wall Street Journal that contains the 100 billion bags/year stat?
    GOOD LUCK with your endeavour!
